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April 30, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Faith in God

Life continues whatever happens. All we need is to be positive and be brave with all the challenges we encounter. Faith in God is still the best armor.
April 20, 2010

PostHeaderIcon The Lord Delivers Us From All Troubles

The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all. – Psalm 34: 17-19
April 17, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Great Inventions

3800 - 3600 B.C. - Wheel
3000 B.C. - Abacus
A.D. 100 - Paper
1608 - Telescope
1623 - Mechanical calculator
1709 - Piano
1752 - Lightning rod
1753 - Hot-air balloon

1783 - Steamship

1829 - Braille
1831 - Lawn mower
1832 - Matches
1839 - Rubber
1850 - Refrigerator
1866 - Dynamite
1868 - Typewriter
1869 - Vacuum cleaner
1870 - Chewing gum
1876 - Telephone

1877 - Phonograph (record player)

1885 - Bicycle
1888 - Ballpoint pen
1889 - Handheld camera
1891 - Zipper
1893 - Motion pictures (movies)
1895 - X-ray
1899 - Tape recorder
1901 - First transatlantic radio signals
- Electric washing machine
1903 - First motorized plane
- Windshield wipers
1906 - Lightbulbs
1907 - Plastic

1908 - Ford Model T car

1909 - Toaster
1911 - Air conditioning
1913 - Moving assembly line
1927 - Television
1928 - Penicillin
- Animated sound cartoons
1929 - Scotch tape
- Car radio
1930 - Pre-sliced bread
1933 - FM radio
1938 - Helicopter
1939 - Jet airplane
1940 - Automatic dishwasher
1945 - Microwave oven
1946 - Electronic computer
1949 - Silly putty
1950 - Disposable diaper
1951 - Long-distance dialing in the U.S.
1955 - Polio vaccine

1957 - Sputnik satellite

1963 - Home video recorder
- Push-button telephone
1969 - The Internet
1970 - Floppy disk
1971 - Pocket calculator
1972 - Compact disk
1975 - Desktop computer
1979 - Sony Walkman
1980 - Rollerblades
- Post-It Notes
1981 - Space shuttle
1983 - Cellular telephones
1988 - Facsimile (fax) machine
1991 - World Wide Web
1994 - Digital camera
1995 - DVD (digital video disk)

1997 - Dolly the sheep-the first animal made by
cloning adult cells

2000 - Human-genome map
2003 - Camera phones
2004 - First privately built spacecraft

PostHeaderIcon Pablo Picasso

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor. He is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), his portrayal of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.

Picasso demonstrated uncanny artistic talent in his early years, painting in a realistic manner through his childhood and adolescence; during the first decade of the twentieth century his style changed as he experimented with different theories, techniques, and ideas. His revolutionary artistic accomplishments brought him universal renown and immense fortunes throughout his life, making him the best-known figure in twentieth century art.

His famous works:

Les Demoiselles d' Avignon


April 16, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Grant, O Lord

Grant, O Lord, that I may pass this day in gladness and peace, without stumbling and without stain; that reaching the eventide victorious over all temptations, I may praise You, the eternal God, who are blessed, and governs all things, world without end. Amen.
April 15, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Karate Kid (June 11, 2010)

PostHeaderIcon Splice (June 4, 2010)

PostHeaderIcon Eurovision Song Contest 2010

Lena - Satellite (Germany)

maNga - We Could Be The Same (Turkey)

Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life (Sweden)

Niamh Kavanagh - It's For You (Ireland)

Paula Seling & Ovi - Playing With Fire (Romania)

SunStroke Project & Olia Tira - Run Away Eurovision Moldova 2010

PostHeaderIcon I Put My Life Into Your Hands

Whenever you don’t understand what’s happening in your life, you just have to close your eyes, take a deep breath and say, “Lord, I know it is Your plan. I put my life into Your hands.”
April 12, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Walking

What are the top 10 reasons to walk?

1. Walking prevents type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Program showed that walking 150 minutes per week and losing just 7% of your body weight (12-15 pounds) can reduce your risk of diabetes by 58%.

2. Walking strengthens your heart if you're male. In one
study, mortality rates among retired men who walked less than one mile per day were nearly twice that among those who walked more than two miles per day.

3. Walking strengthens your heart if you're female. Women in the Nurse's Health Study (72,488 female nurses) who walked three hours or more per week reduced their risk of a heart attack or other coronary event by 35% compared with women who did not walk.

4. Walking is good for your brain. In a study on walking and cognitive function, researchers found that women who walked the equivalent of an easy pace at least 1.5 hours per week had significantly better cognitive function and less cognitive decline than women who walked less than 40 minutes per week. Think about that!

5. Walking is good for your bones. Research shows that postmenopausal women who walk approximately one mile each day have higher whole-body bone density than women who walk shorter distances, and walking is also effective in slowing the rate of bone loss from the legs.

6. Walking helps alleviate symptoms of depression. Walking for 30 minutes, three to five times per week for 12 weeks reduced symptoms of depression as measured with a standard depression questionnaire by 47%.

7. Walking reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer. Women who performed the equivalent of one hour and 15 minutes to two and a half hours per week of brisk walking had an 18% decreased risk of breast cancer compared with inactive women. Many studies have shown that exercise can prevent colon cancer, and even if an individual person develops colon cancer, the benefits of exercise appear to continue both by increasing quality of life and reducing mortality.

8. Walking improves fitness. Walking just three times a week for 30 minutes can significantly increase cardiorespiratory fitness.

9. Walking in short bouts improves fitness, too! A study of sedentary women showed that short bouts of brisk walking (three 10-minute walks per day) resulted in similar improvements in fitness and were at least as effective in decreasing body fatness as long bouts (one 30-minute walk per day).

10. Walking improves physical function. Research shows that walking improves fitness and physical function and prevents physical disability in older persons.




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