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Great Inventions

3800 - 3600 B.C.  -  Wheel           
3000 B.C.  -  Abacus                        
A.D. 100  -  Paper               
1608  -  Telescope                        
1623  -  Mechanical calculator           
1709  -  Piano                   
1752  -  Lightning rod               
1753  -  Hot-air balloon               
1783  -  Steamship               
1829  -  Braille                   
1831  -  Lawn mower               
1832  -  Matches               
1839  -  Rubber                   
1850  -  Refrigerator               
1866  -  Dynamite               
1868  -  Typewriter               
1869  -  Vacuum cleaner           
1870  -  Chewing gum               
1876  -  Telephone               
1877  -  Phonograph (record player)       
1885  -  Bicycle                   
1888  -  Ballpoint pen               
1889  -  Handheld camera           
1891  -  Zipper                   
1893  -  Motion pictures (movies)       
1895  -  X-ray                   
1899  -  Tape recorder               
1901  -  First transatlantic radio signals       
           -  Electric washing machine       
1903  -  First motorized plane           
           -  Windshield wipers           
1906  -  Lightbulbs               
1907  -  Plastic                   
1908  -  Ford Model T car           
1909  -  Toaster                   
1911  -  Air conditioning               
1913  -  Moving assembly line           
1927  -  Television
1928  -  Penicillin
          -  Animated sound cartoons
1929  -  Scotch tape
          -  Car radio
1930  -  Pre-sliced bread
1933  -  FM radio
1938  -  Helicopter
1939  -  Jet airplane
1940  -  Automatic dishwasher
1945  -  Microwave oven
1946  -  Electronic computer
1949  -  Silly putty
1950  -  Disposable diaper
1951  -  Long-distance dialing in the U.S.
1955  -  Polio vaccine
1957  -  Sputnik satellite
1963  -  Home video recorder
          -  Push-button telephone
1969  -  The Internet
1970  -  Floppy disk
1971  -  Pocket calculator
1972  -  Compact disk
1975  -  Desktop computer
1979  -  Sony Walkman
1980  -  Rollerblades
          -  Post-It Notes
1981  -  Space shuttle
1983  -  Cellular telephones
1988  -  Facsimile (fax) machine
1991  -  World Wide Web
1994  -  Digital camera
1995  -  DVD (digital video disk)
1997  -  Dolly the sheep-the first animal made by
    cloning adult cells
2000  -  Human-genome map
2003  -  Camera phones
2004  -  First privately built spacecraft

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor. He is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), his portrayal of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.
Picasso demonstrated uncanny artistic talent in his early years, painting in a realistic manner through his childhood and adolescence; during the first decade of the twentieth century his style changed as he experimented with different theories, techniques, and ideas. His revolutionary artistic accomplishments brought him universal renown and immense fortunes throughout his life, making him the best-known figure in twentieth century art.

Astronauts Exposed to Higher Levels of Radiation

Without the protection of the Earth's atmosphere, astronauts are exposed to higher levels of radiation from a steady flux of cosmic rays. The station's crews are exposed to about 1 millisievert of radiation each day, which is about the same as someone would get from natural sources on Earth in a year. This results in a higher risk of astronauts' developing cancer. High levels of radiation can cause damage to the chromosomes of lymphocytes. These cells are central to the immune system and so any damage to them could contribute to the lowered immunity experienced by astronauts. Over time lowered immunity results in the spread of infection between crew members, especially in such confined areas. Radiation has also been linked to a higher incidence of cataracts in astronauts. Protective shielding and protective drugs may lower the risks to an acceptable level, but data is scarce and longer-term exposure will result in greater risks.

Despite efforts to improve radiation shielding on the ISS compared to previous stations such as Mir, radiation levels within the station have not been vastly reduced, and it is thought that further technological advancement will be required to make long-duration human spaceflight further into the Solar System a possibility.

International Space Station (ISS)

The International Space Station (ISS) is an internationally developed research facility that is being assembled in low Earth orbit. On-orbit construction of the station began in 1998 and is scheduled for completion by 2011. The station is expected to remain in operation until at least 2015, and likely 2020. With a greater mass than that of any previous space station, the ISS can be seen from the Earth with the naked eye, and, as of 2010, is the largest artificial satellite orbiting the Earth. The ISS serves as a research laboratory that has a microgravity environment in which crews conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy  and meteorology. The station has a unique environment for the testing of the spacecraft systems that will be required for missions to the Moon and Mars. The ISS is operated by Expedition crews, and has been continuously staffed since 2 November 2000, meaning the ISS programme has maintained an uninterrupted human presence in space for the past & 9 years and 159 days, which is approaching the current record, set aboard Mir, of 9 years and 257 days.  As of 18 March 2010, the crew of Expedition 23 is aboard.

The ISS provides a location in the relative safety of Low Earth Orbit to test spacecraft systems that will be required for long-duration missions to the Moon and Mars.

Because of the size of the ISS (about that of an American football field) and the large reflective area offered by its solar panels, ground based observation of the station is possible with the naked eye if the observer is in the right location at the right time. In many cases, the station is one of the brightest naked-eye objects in the sky, although it is visible only for periods ranging from two to five minutes.

The cost estimates for the ISS range from 35 billion to 160 billion dollars.

Einstein's Brain

When Albert Einstein died in 1955 at the age of 76, his brain was removed and preserved for scientific study. Recently Professor Sandra F. Witelson and her colleagues at McMaster University, Canada, compared measurements of Einstein's brain with a control group of men and women whose brains were of normal intelligence.

In general, Einstein's brain was very much like the other brains except for one area called the inferior parietal lobe. In Einstein's brain, this area was 15% wider than those of the other brains studied. The inferior parietal lobe is important for processing visual and spatial information and mathematical ideas. The unusual development of this area may have been a reason Einstein was a genius.

Posted by Princess on 3/22/2010  8:30 AM


Chocolate causes certain endocrine glands to secrete hormones that affect your feelings and behaviour by making you happy. Therefore, it counteracts depression, in turn reducing the stress of depression. Your stress-free life helps you maintain a youthful disposition, both physically and mentally. So, eat lots of chocolate!
--Elaine Sherman, Book of Divine Indulgences

Posted by Princess on 3/19/2010  11:44 AM

Banaue Rice Terraces

Banaue Rice Terraces - 2000-year old terraces that were carved into the mountains of Ifugao in the Philippines by ancestors of the Batad indigenous people. The Rice Terraces are commonly referred to by Filipinos as the "Eighth Wonder of the World". It is commonly thought that the terraces were built with minimal equipment, largely by hand. The terraces are located approximately 1500 meters (5000 ft) above sea level and cover 10,360 square kilometers (about 4000 square miles) of mountainside. They are fed by an ancient irrigation system from the rainforests above the terraces. It is said that if the steps are put end to end it would encircle half the globe.

The Banaue terraces are part of the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, ancient sprawling man-made structures from 2,000 to 6,000 years old. They are found in the provinces of Apayao, Benguet, Mountain Province and Ifugao, and are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Locals to this day still tend to the rice and vegetables on the terraces, although more and more younger Ifugaos do not find farming appealing, often opting for the more lucrative hospitality industry generated by the Rice Terraces. The result is the gradual erosion of the characteristic "steps", which need constant reconstruction and care.

Posted 3/18/2010 11:47 PM




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