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April 17, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Great Inventions

3800 - 3600 B.C. - Wheel
3000 B.C. - Abacus
A.D. 100 - Paper
1608 - Telescope
1623 - Mechanical calculator
1709 - Piano
1752 - Lightning rod
1753 - Hot-air balloon

1783 - Steamship

1829 - Braille
1831 - Lawn mower
1832 - Matches
1839 - Rubber
1850 - Refrigerator
1866 - Dynamite
1868 - Typewriter
1869 - Vacuum cleaner
1870 - Chewing gum
1876 - Telephone

1877 - Phonograph (record player)

1885 - Bicycle
1888 - Ballpoint pen
1889 - Handheld camera
1891 - Zipper
1893 - Motion pictures (movies)
1895 - X-ray
1899 - Tape recorder
1901 - First transatlantic radio signals
- Electric washing machine
1903 - First motorized plane
- Windshield wipers
1906 - Lightbulbs
1907 - Plastic

1908 - Ford Model T car

1909 - Toaster
1911 - Air conditioning
1913 - Moving assembly line
1927 - Television
1928 - Penicillin
- Animated sound cartoons
1929 - Scotch tape
- Car radio
1930 - Pre-sliced bread
1933 - FM radio
1938 - Helicopter
1939 - Jet airplane
1940 - Automatic dishwasher
1945 - Microwave oven
1946 - Electronic computer
1949 - Silly putty
1950 - Disposable diaper
1951 - Long-distance dialing in the U.S.
1955 - Polio vaccine

1957 - Sputnik satellite

1963 - Home video recorder
- Push-button telephone
1969 - The Internet
1970 - Floppy disk
1971 - Pocket calculator
1972 - Compact disk
1975 - Desktop computer
1979 - Sony Walkman
1980 - Rollerblades
- Post-It Notes
1981 - Space shuttle
1983 - Cellular telephones
1988 - Facsimile (fax) machine
1991 - World Wide Web
1994 - Digital camera
1995 - DVD (digital video disk)

1997 - Dolly the sheep-the first animal made by
cloning adult cells

2000 - Human-genome map
2003 - Camera phones
2004 - First privately built spacecraft


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