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March 21, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Tips on Peptic Ulcer, Swallowing & Heartburn

8 Tips on Peptic Ulcer Disease

  1. Ulcers are "sores" that frequently affect the stomach and the first part of the small intestine (duodenum).
  2. Bacterial infection is the most common cause of duodenal ulcers.
  3. Stomach ulcers are often a side effect of pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs used primarily to treat arthritis.
  4. Alcohol ingestion, cigarette smoking, and emotional stress may also influence the development of an ulcer or interfere with its healing.
  5. Upper abdominal pain is the most common symptom of ulcers, but many ulcers cause no symptoms at all.
  6. Ulcers may hemorrhage (bleeding) into the gastrointestinal tract; this results in the passage of black ("tarry") stool. Very serious ulcer disease may also cause a blockage between the stomach and small intestine and this complication results in persistent vomiting. Severe pain results from the most urgent complication of ulcers - peritonitis caused by a tear through the wall of the stomach or duodenum.
  7. Almost all ulcers can be treated successfully, usually without surgery. Many ulcers can be prevented.
  8. Ulcer treatments include antibiotics, agents that neutralize gastric acid or reduce its secretion, and drugs that strengthen the resistance of the stomach and duodenum.

5 Tips on Swallowing and Heartburn

  1. Abnormal swallowing is commonly perceived as food "sticking on the way down." If this complaint persists, it is sometimes due to a serious condition and should always prompt medical attention.
  2. Swallowing difficulty may be caused by a number of different problems including:
    • Poor or incomplete chewing (possibly the result of dental problems, poorly fitted dentures, or eating too quickly)
    • Abnormal muscle contraction
    • Scar tissue from chronic inflammation
    • Infection
    • Cancer
  3. Heartburn is a very common problem caused by regurgitation or reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus, which connects the mouth and the stomach.
  4. Heartburn can often be eliminated by avoiding:
    • Smoking
    • Fatty food in the diet
    • Caffeine
    • Chocolate
    • Peppermint
    • Overeating
    • Bed-time snacks
    • Tight-fitting clothes that constrict the abdomen
    • Certain medications
    • Heavy lifting, straining
  5. It is important to consider the possibility of heart disease before attributing any kind of chest pain to gastroesophageal reflux.


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