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March 19, 2010

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Land Mammal:

The ratel, or honey badger, is one of the fiercest, most predatory animals on the planet. It preys upon many animals, including scorpions, porcupines, tortoises, crocodiles and snakes. Attracted to honey, it also ravages beehives. Healthy ratels have no predators.

The ratel is reported to have the courage of a lion. The small, stocky animal has a fondness for honey that accounts for its second name, honey badger.


The peregrine falcon, an extremely aggressive hunter, preys on small mammals and other birds. It descends on its victims from the air at speeds of up to 200 m.p.h.


The stonefish, which lives at the bottom of the ocean, is the most poisonous fish in the world. Its 13 dorsal spines release deadly venom, making it dangerous to both humans and marine life.


One bite from the inland taipan contains enough toxin to kill about 100 people.


The anopheles mosquito is the deadliest creature on Earth. It's responsible for more than 300 million cases of malaria each year and causes between one million and three million deaths.


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