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March 31, 2010

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The most endangered asiatic top predator, the Dhole is on the edge of extinction.

The Dhole', also known as the Asiatic Wild Dog, Indian Wild Dog or Red Dog is an endangered species of Asian canid, and the only member of the genus Cuon. It once ranged across East and South Asia from Russia Far East to Sumatra. Their range is severely fragmented and reduced and there are little over 2,000 individuals left in the wild.

It typically weighs 12–20 kilograms (26–44 lb) and measures 90 centimetres (35 in) in body length and 50 centimetres (20 in) shoulder height. The tail measures 40–45 centimetres (16–18 in) in length.

It is primarily a diurnal hunter, though it is not uncommon for it to hunt by night too. Solitary Dholes usually limit themselves to small prey such as Chital fawns and Indian Hares, while a pair or trio of Dholes suffices to kill medium sized ungulates such as deer in 2 minutes. Dholes will on rare occasions attack young gaur and water buffalo.


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